Financial Aid

Financial assistance is available through an application process. The elders desire everyone who agrees with our school philosophy and desires to have their children educated at FCA to be able to send their children to the school. There are significant expenses associated with operating a school and there is no way for the church to bear them alone. Hence, the school charges tuition with the goal of breaking even financially, not charging more than necessary, nor charging less than is needed.

Even with keeping tuition low, there are some families who will not be able to afford to send their children to FCA. It is difficult to determine who has a genuine need and who is able to afford it. To assist with making wise decisions, families are required to apply through FACTS Grant and Aid, who collects financial information from the family and reports to the school what the family should be able to pay. FACTS charges a $45 fee for making the application. This process makes the decision as objective as possible.

If you are interested you may follow the link in the left navigation menu during the application process.